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South Korea has declared one of the largest guides and travel references

"Lonely Planet"has declared one of the largest guides and travel references around the world that South Korea is one at the top of the most important list of countries for the 2018 visit, which was ranked second after chile, which was called a title. The Field Stadium "compact playground of Asian modernity

It has highlighted many of the factors that distinguish korea from the rest of the countries, the skyscrapers that spread throughout Seoul and the recent opening of the draft project.
Along with the beauty of landscapes and mountains with skyscrapers that appear in harmony with traditional Korean homes "body" in an impressive picture 

the visitors recommended  to wear traditional korean clothes at the palace palace, take a tour of the market market and perform activities by working in a temple at kang during a visit to Korea. And to visit homes Chang, too,
And the high speed rail in Korea that would make travel within korea comfortable and more appropriate

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