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Nami Island

 What you do not know about Nami Island, one of the most beautiful places in Korea at all !
Nami Island "남이섬" is a half-moon island located 30 minutes from Chun Chun and an hour from Seoul, famous for its chestnut and poplar trees on the road around the island. 
Since 2002 it has become one of the main tourist attractions in South Korea after the success of the famous Korean drama "Winter sonata". This island was chosen to portray the series because it is like the first love people always crave and give a lot of romantic feelings and thanksgiving 

All telephone poles and electric wires on the island are built underground to preserve the landscape there.

The island has restaurants, camping areas, water sports facilities and a skating rink. Facilities for accommodation and spas are also available for visitors, but prayer facilities are available for Muslim visitors.
3. It declared its own cultural independence in 2006 and called itself the Republic of Nami Nara, a fictional republic with a special flag, national anthem, currency, passport, stamps and special cards to promote tourism.

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