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who said the beautiful flowers don't grow in winter

who said the beautiful flowers don't grow in winter?

The Arboretum Plantation, Camellia Hill On Island Island, is a big garden and home to 6,000 trees of Camilla and 600 different species from around 80 countries from all over the world. It blooms in cold weather between December and April, in every season, different kinds of Camilla, along with some other kinds of flowers that grow on the island, can visit it throughout the year, but it is considered spring and summer to visit. Ha!

It is characterized by its beautiful fragrance and the flower flower is a symbol of loyalty between lovers

In the summer, the great blooms, the magnificent home, which is native to south and East Asia, such as korea - China - Japan - Indonesia - the Himalayas, which is characterized by its magnificent form. Bouquet "~

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