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The most powerful passport in the world

 South Korea won the title of "the most powerful passport in the world" of 2018 . 대민민여권 여권

South Korea has joined Singapore in the world rankings as the world's strongest passport this year 2018, and the rating of "Global passport power" from Arton Capital that South Korea joined Singapore as the strongest passport to grant the holder the entry of 162 countries Around the world without a visa,

Korea rose on the list after it got its citizens' visa-free entry into Uzbekistan along with Singapore

 In October 2017, Asia rose to the summit and Singapore was the first Asian country to be awarded the title as the most powerful passport in the world, followed by South Korea in February 2018 in the same rank after they won the German passport,
Followed by the second place together to enter visa-free Germany and Japan 161 countries and then the United Kingdom 159 countries, Australia 156 countries and New Zealand 155

(Where Koreans from those who like to travel can enter many European, Asian, North American, US, Canadian, and Russian countries to go visa-free and obtain a visa from the airport)
(South Koreans are generally not allowed to enter North Korea except for certain licenses granted in particular, they can not use South Korea's passport to enter North Korea, a visa is issued to them in a separate paper and not on the passport)

(And from countries where South Korea banned its citizens as destinations for travel to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen due to low safety)

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