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Korean school uniforms became more modern

Korean school uniforms became more modern because Korean KPOP stars were young and even sold online to fans.

The Korean school uniform is called "Kyubok". Most primary schools have uniforms except some private schools. They do not have official uniforms, but compulsory school uniforms are compulsory in Korea from the beginning of middle and high school.

School uniforms vary by region, school and grade, and everyone knows what school the student goes to once they look at uniforms. Private schools often have more school uniforms than the public schools.
Since school uniforms are the pride of every school, the style of school uniforms in Korea has become increasingly modern as the primary manufacturers began to implement school uniforms to look more modern and stylish through a very successful advertising campaign launched by young celebrities in Korea to sell their products, School uniforms while going to school or during their appearance in the Korean drama,

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