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world's first 5G

South Korea will launch for the first time in the world the fifth generation "5G" service in February for the Winter Olympic Games for the first time before the basic date in 2020 .
The Korea Telecom Company (KT) announced on October 27, 2017 that it has successfully linked the fifth generation 5G networks with the smart 5 generation stations it has established with Samsung Electronics in the main stadium and other sports venues for the 2018 Olympic Games in "Pyong Chang",

This was the first time that the fifth-generation services had proven successful in communicating with real stations rather than test equipment
Oh Song Mook, head of KT's communications network, says:
"As white and black TV services were first broadcast in 1936 at the Olympic Games in Berlin and 1964 at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea will be registered under the theme '5G Olympics' Olympic 5G "

KT has recorded a high download speed of up to 2.3 GB, seven times faster than 4G networks, and plans to reach the Internet speed to 5 GB at the right time with the opening of the Winter Olympics,
The success came as a result of the investment of about 1.5 billion dollars for research to develop the fifth generation networks, which will be 1000 times faster than the current situation

By 2020, the 5G service will be commercially available to all users in Korea and continuously worldwide. With the advent of 5G services in Korea, it will be in the best position to lead the world's fifth generation market.

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